4. Boxing Workout

Boxing Workout

Boxing workouts not only offer a great way to get some extra stress, but it may be the most intense exercise you can do for your body at home. The good news is that you can complete an entire session without any additional equipment, here’s how:

  1. jump rope: is a great way to get your heart pumping at the beginning of a workout, and you don’t need a rope to do it. Take a few minutes to jump in place, and move your arms in a small circular motion while actually holding a jump rope.
  2. Squat jumps: spread your feet above hip distance, bend into a squat and place your arms forward. Then jump as high as you would during a burpee. Do 3 reps of 10.
  3. complex circuit: Rotate for 3 minutes between these three exercises: high knees (running in place and lifting your knees, keeping your arms in front of you), mountain climbers and burpees.
  4. variety of sit-ups
    Try 4 different types of sit-ups and do 25 of each.
